Sunday, October 10, 2010

Some Excitement At Bodega Bay

Yes, we actually "climbed" down this "cliff!"  LOL

How would you like to do this in a Jig-saw puzzle!

(This was supposed to be displayed under the "Get-A-Way Day but when I checked my blog this morning I found I had not Published here it is now...that is what I get for working so late into the night.  Again, bear with me.  I am starting to get it...
After an interesting lunch in the quaint little town of Sebastapol where we enjoyed a tasty lunch of  Vegetarian Meatball Italian Sandwiches in the little restaurant where all the "locals" seemed to congregate, we decided to hit the road again and head to a favorite mini-vacation spot called Bodega Bay  After deciding there was no way we could "get down to the beach" Mr. S.O. decided to explore a little.  He found the most scary winding , less-than-one-foot-wide path that could get us there.  He came back to get me and I screamed, "Are you crazy???"  "We can never get down that path without killing ourselves."  Never to be proven wrong, he dragged me, kicking and screaming all the way and when we came to a "hairpin turn" I said,  "no way, I can't do this." but he persevered, holding my hands tight and we made it down.  (I didn't tell him but I felt quite powerful that I actually didn't kill myself!)  Ha!  We walked the beach and took pictures and I loved this seagull so I thought I would share it with you.  .

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