the funny thing was - it hadn't snowed enough to barely cover the grass in the front of the house!
Who knew???
I lied...
Actually this picture. was taken the night before and you can see the snow flakes just starting to come down. We ended up with about 6 inches, total...a tiny amount compared to last year!
Now let's check out some of my decorations
Here's my tiny front porch...
...with a close up of the red bench
and here's "the same old, same old" door decoration from California!
(I couldn't really find anything I liked better here!)
Now let's go inside and see my four little Christmas Trees
Here's my Feather Tree I was fortunate enough to purchase from Linda Babb
a couple of years ago. This is the first year it really looked "right" to me.
I especially loved having it turned on at night with the window candles lit...
it felt so cozy! (Smile!)
That topper is a Boyd's Bear Angel with a red checked dress it!
This is my Living Room tree which has several ornaments that belonged to my Grandparents.
I remember them from my childhood.
The topper here is also a Boyd's Bear Angel with a white velvet and fur-trimmed outfit.
This cute little (30 inch tall) white tree in the bay window of my kitchen has clear lights, red ornaments and clear sparkly icicles.
Around it there are four little "Putz" cardboard houses, some white trees and of course batting for snow.
The topper this time is another Boyd's Bear Angel with a plaid flannel dress to match the tablecloth I use for the holidays.
And last but not least I carried this one around the house about six times before I found a home for it...I placed it
on the built-in desk in the kitchen next to an old kerosene lamp, a wonderful wooden tray
(from Decor Steals) and a cute primitive doll with her pet cow!
(I will explain the "Pet Cow" in the next post...COMING SOON!)
I still want to show you some more of my Christmas decorations even if it is past the holidays...
hey, you will have more time to read blogs. (especially mine please! HA)
Like everyone, time got away from me before the holiday and
"posting on my blog" kept getting moved to the "next day" on my "to-do-list!"
I will also be showing "Home Tour #3" here in my MN Townhome
for those of you who have been curious about it!
I hope you all have a wonderful New Year and make your first resolution to
comment on blogs once in a while, my blog being the first!
If you do that I will make my resolution to post MUCH MORE OFTEN than I have..
.see what a great team we could make! (wink!)
I would LOVE IT if you leave a comment!
Thanks, and