This is my table in the entry. That is an original painting (done by a Senior in my last neighborhood in California). I love the texture of the wicker pumpkin sitting on the grapevine wreath.
(FYI: The little "witch" jar is from Karen Martinsen over at
My Colonial Home.)
I don't think you can see this vignette very well but there is a chicken with similar colors as the one in the print, a small galvanized pail of sunflowers and a huge crock/jug,
It has the same "feel" as the "feel" of the print
This picture was purchased at a craft fair and when I painted the china cabinet cranberry it just seemed natural to put this picture above it. I bought the "goose" in New Jersey last fall in an amazing antique store. He lost his grapevine "necklace" in the move.
Here is the only corner of my counters and I love the little "Chicken Lamp" (on loan from one daughter) along with the "Chicken Plate," one of a set of 4 which used to hang on the wall in the last abode.
I don't know if I ever told you the story about this print. In the California house we found this poster behind the china cabinet when we moved it to paint the wall. I had bought it right after 9/11 and had forgotten about it. I really like the look of it so decided that since the Eagle was so magnificent, I checked the Internet and found this beautiful one at
It is beautifully sculpted and oh, so fragile! I was a wreck when I took it out of the box but so happy when nothing was broken!
The frame holds a poem that one of my grand daughters wrote as an assignment the day of 9/11 when she was 10 years old and in 5th grade..she is now 24!
If I really been on the ball on the 11th of this month I would have shown it to you.
Her teacher liked it so much she sent it in to a publication where it was published in a book of "like" articles.
We were so proud of her.
I added this, in a hallway, to show you a feel I tried to create;
There is Pewter at the top and bottom, an old-looking flag and mustard-y color star and reproduction apothecary cabinet.
By adding it to the red cabinet (a "sale" find at T.J.Maxx)
it seems to create sort of a Revolutionary Period look.
Do you think so?
Here is another "hall" cabinet with a kitty cookie jar (also on loan from that same daughter) to go along with a darling antique picture I purchased a while ago from Linda Babb
This cross stitch was done by my the other daughter and given to me for a birthday several years ago.
I was fortunate enough to find the little rusty rabbit to make a nice little grouping in front of the T.V.
You'll notice they are facing away from the screen...
they, too must feel there is hardly anything worthwhile to
watch any more.
Do You Agree???
I hope you enjoyed my "Details"
and maybe it gave you a few ideas you can put in place in your homes.
Please leave me a comment & let me know!
Until the next time...