Even a Cat Box for the cat I don't even have, yet!
A little spray painting as inspiration hit...
My Christmas Cow hiding among the junk!
Have you ever seen such order in a garage???
Beautiful closed cabinets
and an old shelf for "current projects"
The back wall and stairs which are soon to be painted...
and see, a long time ago we took a trip to Yellowstone, The Badlands, and stopped at
Excuse the tools, etc. under the table...couldn't wait to take pics!
The left side of the garage with "all" (ahem!) the bins with decorating stuff for during the year.
(Christmas stuff is downstairs...there is no way I could come out to the garage in the winter
to pick through Christmas stuff IN THE WINTER!)
Remember, I am in MINNESOTA now!
And the first floor cloth I made ever made.
Here is my SIL Greg and a very happy me!
But it wasn't all work and no play...
here we are in Minneapolis at
which is a beautiful park.
Tired, but happy!
Kathy, Greg, Gillian, and me.
And here are two of my wonderful Grand Dogs after working
hard at Grandma's...
ready for their ride home.
But enough of the greatly improved Garage
thanks to my wonderful family!
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
I would like you to see a little more of the inside of the house...
so enjoy the tiny little front porch
and come right in...
I will open the door for you...
Come right in and please close your eyes. You have already seen the kitchen
(to the right) and I am not quite ready for you to see the "Entry" or the "Great Room".
Instead, I am going to share my new laundry/sewing room with you...
so, with your eyes shut tight, go straight ahead through the entry,
past the stairway and continue to the next place where you can turn left, go down the hall to the first door on the left and
here we are...or were for 7 months.
This is how it used to look...
Yikes, how did I ever live like that much less do a load of laundry???
But never fear here is how it looks now.
I have to say some of these designs came from an idea I saw on Pinterest
(but don't know where it came from originally.)
My new Sewing area...
Two Target bookcases with ticking covers on the fronts to hide all the sewing
and cleaning stuff...
This cabinet has traveled from house to house and recently I had the new top made and painted the whole thing.
It worked well with "paint and primer" in one and only took 2 coats considering it was Laminate except for the new shelves on top.
Then it didn't look great where the top met the rest of it so I added some red & white checked ribbon with double-stick tape..
Then, for those of you who remember my old house with the chickens on the sewing room doors, I had a couple left over and added them. Stenciled the chicken wire, too
I love polka dots and checks!
Finished it up with old brass knobs that I painted RED!
Here is the end wall...this room is good size...I think it is about 9 x 12; so room-y!
(The cute sign above the ironing board says:
So true, eh?
This is the other end of the room...
Yes, that's a Beverage Dispenser for liquid soap!
A "close-up" of the lamp
another DIY project
This little rack is actually the side of a DOLL CRIB!
Here I covered pieces of Foam Core Board with fabric to "save the wall" from splatters.
Remember this Floor Cloth from my last kitchen...
works perfectly in here!
And here is a Sleepy Little Kitten snoozing on the dryer.
I think he's tired from reading this very long and hopefully "not too boring" post.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
I have a ton of pictures and there are still more rooms to show you...
Stay tuned as I have been telling friends,
"I am almost done."
But are we ever done with our homes???
To my Blogging Friends and every one else who arrives here
I would love for you to leave me a comment...
I promise I will answer all!