Well my dear blogging friends...so much for "a few days" from my last post! I DID have my Hutch "re-arranged for spring" but I still didn't know how to put pictures on my computer! Then everything went wrong with this computer and my "significant-other/computer guy" had to go out of town so I have had to wait and wait and wait. But, sweet person that he is, he helped me and here is a pic. of the Hutch in "Spring" mode, less cluttered and mostly in white. I like the "openess" of the whole look and will enjoy it for a while before I change it again for "Summer." LOL. Having a big red piece of furniture can be a challenge, but every time I think of re-doing it, it involves cutting off parts, sanding and then re-painting and antiquing...too much work so I just work around the red. So we shall see what my next project becomes...I need a new "single-door-pie-safe for my sun-room because I need more display space. (Don't we all!) And I need to choose new colors for the outside of my house. Now that can become a chore. How come I can choose colors for clients in "a blink of an eye" but when it comes to myself...well, stay tuned.
Hugs, Joy